Senza una donna

Men are tough, careless, indifferent, cold, distant and according to many don’t really think of anything most of the time. Women on the other hand are overthinkers, sensitive, fragile, insecure, empathic and caring. But it’s not all black and white, is it? Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be a man. I guess men go through the same disappointments and struggles as women do. … Continue reading Senza una donna

We met

In times like these, all we can do is dream…And I like to dream. We met online. I was bored sitting at home all day, he was bored as well. At first, we were both sulky and grumpy. We had an argument about a stupid subject and then we didn’t talk for days. I smiled when I heard from him again. Somehow, I didn’t want … Continue reading We met

10 Things I Hate About You

People always ask ‘what do you seek in a partner?’ I’m sure many of you have been asked that same question. Women tend to come up with a huge list of demands:’tall, handsome, financially stable, funny, spontaneous etc.’ Men are a bit more practical…’perky boobs, great legs, pretty face, no tendencies to get fat in the future and not all too materialistic.’ Of course there are … Continue reading 10 Things I Hate About You

Theory of happiness

I can’t let 2017 pass without posting an update. I can say that in the last period I have been rather distracted but I won’t use the word ‘busy’. When people say they are ‘busy’, I see this as an irrelevant information. It can only mean two things. One: you are either trying to show others that you are more important than you truly are, … Continue reading Theory of happiness